the financial reporting revolution
Even with the incredible power associated with modern computing, computers were not capable of reading and disseminating financial statements. This all changed with the advent of XBRL. Due to the GFC, the SEC instigated the mandatory use of XBRL to tag the financial submissions of annual and quarterly returns. Following suit, XBRL and its constituents, are now being used worldwide.
About Our Company
For nearly two decades we have endeavored to stay at the forefront of computerized accounting development including digital reporting. To this end, we have advised on and developed XBRL-related software for many of the world’s largest companies including Wolters Kluwer. Our mission is described as ensuring the benefits of computerized accounting and digitalized reports are utilized by all,
In the future, we will continue to expand our knowledge and development skills to ensure stay at the forefront of this exciting new technology.
Solutions for Your Business
XBRL is exciting but complicated
eXtensible Business Reporting Language is the freely available global framework for exchanging business information. We have been studying and developing in this area even before its mandatory usage as a weapon by the SEC to combat another possible GFC. Our consulting skills in ths area are exemplary.
OUR Unique Solutions
With nearly two decades of usage and development we are the ones to approach to understand the many XBRL standards as well as utilizing them in the most cost effective way. We have developed many unique web services, database and algorithms to best take advantage of this exiting technology.
THE proof is in the pudding
Out flagship product, UltraRATIO is available for a free download from its website. Forage through years of the financial data of publically listed SEC companies with ease and intuitiveness. Apply financial ratios to filter and make sense all of the data. Our new tool is both fast and informative.